We cannot just fight the old, we must DREAM in and simultaneously CREATE the new world.

In decolonizing & aligning with the new earth, you will receive teachings, support, and guidance for transitioning into a new paradigm that requires layers of transformation at the personal, social, collective and Spiritual levels.

In this beautiful & potent offering, you will receive powerful transmissions to expand your consciousness, support your healing, and practices to support your transition in the simultaneous dismantlement and birthing of these times.

Participants will also receive an energy clearing, practical tools rooted in Indigenous wisdom to ground with Mother Earth, clear energy for spiritual hygiene, & teachings on giving offerings to Mother Earth. These practices shared are given with permission from our Elders to help bring back the times of harmony & balance.

We are honored to serve the collective and the Great Mother, support the awakening and the birthing of the New Earth by guiding people to remember & embody the sacred ancient ways in modern times.

We're calling in the visionaries, the dreamers, those that know we need to dismantle the old paradigm AND create the new.

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